• 100% Pure, 100% Natural
  • Ingredients from Ghana
  • Verified Suppliers
  • Worldwide Delivery
  • Orders from 5-22,00 kgs



The Akoma Cooperative Multipurpose Society received Fairtrade certification in July 2009 for its Shea Butter products, the first cooperative to receive this recommendation in Ghana. For Fairtrade sales, Akoma receives at least the minimum Fairtrade price of €2,640 a tonne for shea butter, thus ensuring that members receive a good return for their work. The additional Fairtrade premium of €185 a tonne is used to establish various social programmes and make sustainable changes in the local community. As a first priority, Akoma will use this premium to renovate the Pusu-Namogo primary school, where the buildings are currently dilapidated and incomplete. Over the next five years, Akoma will use the premium for education and developing facilities for children. These plans include a library, information technology centre, desks and school equipment.


In addition, the Akoma Cooperative Multipurpose Society's Shea Nut and Shea Butter products were awarded organic status by the Soil Association UK in August 2009. This association has certified over 80% of the organic products in Britain and has gained the trust, respect and confidence of consumers and producers across the globe. The standards they enforce assure consumers that the products they are buying are genuinely organic products that can be fully traced back to source.

It is believed that the Akoma Cooperative Multipurpose Society's Raw Shea Butter product is the first product in Ghana to have received both Fairtrade certification and organic status.

Certified 12th August 2009 (shea nuts)
17th August 2009 (Shea Butter)
Certified 17th July 2009
21th January 2009
Shea Butter, Akoma Exporters of Natural Ingredients from Ghana

Akoma Cooperative Multipurpose Society 2010